12 Months in Denmark | 8 Months in Africa | 4 Months in Denmark
This 24-month programme offers unique opportunities to face some of the problems and realities of our times, to join in action and solidarity with the people of our world. Our programmes contain training in essential life skills. Essential not only for development work in different parts of the world but also for living a meaningful life in the 21st century.
It is about ensuring the experiences you gain have a lasting impact on the people whose lives you touch.
It is about creating peace and development between people by being honest, open and incorruptible.
It is about deciding to learn new things, being constantly curious and interested in knowing the latest news about current events, world politics, and scientific progress.
It is essentially about working together, finding common ground and helping to secure the abilities of others to be productive in society. Coming together with many different but likeminded people can make the above a reality.
Training (12 Months)
Studies, investigations, action, research and saving up money for the programme through volunteer work at independent schools and care homes in Denmark.
- Participate in relevant Courses and write Study Assignments on topics related to Pedagogy.
- Conduct Field Investigations visiting people, groups and organization.
- Learn and practice practical skills such as maintenance, gardening, simple construction work, and project management.
- Be part of an International Community of like-minded activists and share responsibility for areas of the training center.
Volunteer (8 Months)
In the project period, you will travel to the project to Malawi. Here you will join forces with local activists and the communities.
During this 8 month volunteer work you will be part of a development project with a focus on Pedagogy
It is impossible to be a good volunteer without listening to and understanding the needs of the community where you will work. Therefore, you will spend time at the beginning of the project period to get to know the people and the community – to listen and to learn.
Reflect (4 Months)
This program is made in cooperation with One World University (OWU), Mozambique. Through this program, the student learns the trade of pedagogy by teaching both during their time at the school and the development project. Our world is in need of teachers who have a high standard of ethics and practice and can reflect on themselves.
In this period, you reflect on your experience and on your learning process. You share your findings and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your development work. This process allows for improving the program and also ensures the quality of your learning. It makes sure that you gained valuable knowledge and understanding about what “Pedagogy for change” entails.
Contact Form
Fill in the form below to request more information
If still interested, we arrange for an interview
Starting Date
Agree when you want to start the course
Final Interview
and final questions for you
and enrollment fees are paid
Final preparation and travel to Denmark
At the end of the 24 month programme, you will have no debt or study loan, as you will work as a volunteer in one
of the schools or social care institutions. The work you will do, covers both your living and programme expenses.
You pay up front only the enrollment fee
Serhat, 24 years old, Turkey
“I was looking for an option where I could travel and learn in the same time. In 2017 I joined Pedagogy for Change and this program provided me exactly with this possibility. I improved my practical skills and I gained pedagogical skills by working the first year in Denmark. I met a lot of different people, we were working as an international team and learned together about nowadays important topics, such as world politics and climate change.”
Sara, 24 years old, Italy
‘’I decided to seek something different, because I needed to get involved in another kind of work and experience. I decided to attend this program because it was a challenge and an opportunity to take on a different life.’’
Paola, 20 years old, Spain
“I believe that there are no tools more powerful than humility, good sense, solidarity, trust, responsibility, and personal knowledge, and I believe that all this can be achieved at the moment when you dare to take a great leap… and to enjoy a unique and different experience, away from your loved ones, your comforts, your routines and your “I” in your country, entering the change, in this case volunteering, which I’m sure will not leave me unsatisfied.
Fill in the form below if you would like more information or have any question about our programme
Articles from our Blog
Teachers of the 21st Century
Our planet is in dire straits. The generations to come are facing precarious times and unknown challenges. So what kind of teachers are needed at the beginning of the 21st century?
Teaching, work, discipline and mostly self-management were the essentials of the pedagogic philosophy of Russian Anton Makarenko. He became the founder of the theory of collective education.
Intergenerational Activism
Every serious pacifist or peacemaker needs to respond to the climate crisis. Long-lasting peacebuilding needs to include intergenerational challenges like protecting life on our planet.
Left Lane Entitlement
Left lane entitlement is a term coined by frustrated drivers, being slowed down in the left lane by the “entitled” drivers who stick to the fast lane at the minimum speed limit of that lane.
Mobilizing Teachers, Part One
Never on the historical timeline of our world, has an entire generation of children been educated. This fact serves as a reminder of how much more we can achieve as human race
Female education in Malawi
“Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available